7 responses to “Writing Experiment: 2011 in Puns and Wordplay in 1 Hr., 11 Min.”

  1. jennyphresh

    I am speechless. Are you some kind of idiot savant?

  2. Caren

    Great Weiner one. The Gilbert Gottfried one was so bad, it was good. I’m surprised I haven’t heard San-Does-Kids before. (Is his favorite city the same one as Michael Jackson — Boise?) Anyway, keep it up, you bad, bad punster!

  3. Traci

    So how many beers did you have? Love it!

  4. Caren

    Traci, good call!
    I stole the Boise joke from Drew Carey, who included it as part of a long monologue on the Jay Leno show right after a judge lifted the gag order that had stopped Leno from doing Jackson jokes. It was very funny but I can’t find it on Youtube. Oh well.

  5. sem calcinha

    Adoro me mostrar peladinha na web cam

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