
The Star Strikes Again

Another St. Helena Star article from the archives, Chamber Office News. “March Stats beat 2003 and 2000” the headline reads. OK, but then here is the only mention of statistics in the article: Well, that seemed a little lacking in information, so I looked at the graph which accompanied the article. Hmm. The graph-making function […]

Tony: A Man of Property

Excerpts from a St. Helena Star article from 2004. This is Tony. Tony may not be able to control his hand or his checkbook, but it seems he has a good wife who is trying to keep that pesky addiction under control. But then, the problem becomes clear: land is just flying at them! Then […]

Me! Of All People! Part Two

Almost exactly three years ago, we were leaving the Napa Valley, with its cheeses and wines and olive oil stores (any specialty store with a single type of item for sale upset John greatly). Found in a notebook from those days:May 2004An article from the St. Helena Star mentioned a vintner who said it was […]

Me! Of all people!

When Bernie and I lived in Napa, we were devoted readers of the St. Helena Star. They had a seemingly endless supply of stories about people who grew up on vineyards, pursued other avenues, and then, surprisingly, at mid-life, found themselves with vineyards of their own, often inherited from their families. The emphasis in these […]

The Morning Paper

I still subscribe to the local daily newspaper, the Albany Times Union, in spite of (or perhaps because of) its increasingly anachronistic nature. For example, our comics page contains at least five deceased authors: Charles Schulz, Dik Browne, Abigail Van Buren, Bil Keane, and Isaac Asimov (Isaac Asimov’s Super Quiz; ironically, today’s topic is ‘people […]
