not Canada

But the 15-year-olds will love us!

That’s not my opinion… I’m just reporting our scientifically-derived blog rating as calculated here. That puts us a rung above Paris Hilton on the reading level ladder, but, alas, a rung under Perez Hilton. What can we do about this? I, for one, intend to ameliorate our valuation via articulating my suppositions by the usage […]

Asian Yellow Dust

There’s been a bit in the news about the air quality for the Summer Olympics. All of the articles I’ve read have been seemingly ‘balanced’ and ‘fair’ with a few people (somewhat) fearful about their health, and then others saying that China will of course have this taken care of in time.I can’t see how […]

Verizon Customer Service

This post was supposed to be about Canada, and the title of the post was going to be O, Canada. I’m in Victoria, in British Columbia. The company I work for (Perforce) has an office in Victoria and I’ve been working long-distance with the people here for the last nine months or so. I’ve been […]
