September 2009
You are browsing the archive for September 2009.
Bard of the Turnpike
My friend said he was attending a production of Hamlet at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey. Sometimes the jokes write themselves. TAYLOR HAMLET by Billy Shakes • Dis ting, ovuh awl udduh tings: Be true t’ yuh’self. Capiche? • Lenduh? Borrowuh? F-ck dat, chief. • Frail? Wutt uh you, a woman? • Sumpin’ is […]

A Day With Rep. Joe Wilson
7:42 a.m., Richland County Public Library 11:17 a.m., Greenlawn Memorial Park 3:28 p.m., Amtrak “Quiet Car” 10:04 p.m., Klan Rally
Jack Silbert, curator