Spotted in a Los Angeles Park

These parks…too many regulations = no fun.

4 responses to “Spotted in a Los Angeles Park”

  1. miclusick

    Once bitted, twice shy.

  2. Frank B.

    But if the sign is spelled incorrectly, then it doesn’t count.

  3. miclusick

    I believe I’m ready for a partial review of The Gazetteers’ 2010 summer release. Monkees ’67 and The Family Reunion should provide an ecunemical beginning. Still though I’m awaiting for a possible sign, something of the order LAMC 63.44,B22.

    Source Material:
    # “Archimandrite of Dane’s Island and the townlands nor a minx from the Isle of Woman nor a one of the four cantins nor any on the whole wheel of his ecunemical conciliabulum nor nogent ingen meid on allad the hold scurface of the jorth would come next or nigh him, Mr Eelwhipper, seed and nursery man, or his allgas bumgalowre, Auxilium Meum Solo A Domino (Amsad), for rime or ration, from piles or faces, after that. —”
    —Finnegans Wake

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