The Who — “Happy Jack” [THEME]
The Smiths — “Ask”
Question from John:
What is love anyway? Does anybody love anybody anyway?
Post-answer song:
Daniel Johnston — “Love Defined”
Question from Audrey:
The cashier at the cafe in my office building where I get my lunch most days always makes a comment when I take a little white bag to store my sandwich, utensils, etc. She’s mentioned that they’re expensive and has implied that I should recycle them and bring old ones back with me to re-use. I don’t see anyone else doing this! Isn’t the cost of this little bag included in the food we buy?? I think I’m entitled to use a new one every day! What do you think?
Post-answer song:
James Brown — “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag (Pt. 1)”
Question from Kate:
Oh why oh why are my homemade egg sandwiches stinky but the ones I buy in the shop are not?
Post-answer song:
Tom Waits — “Eggs and Sausage (In a Cadillac With Susan Michelson)”
Question from Shawn:
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
Post-answer song:
Ronnie Spector — “She Talks to Rainbows”
Question from Jamie:
What do you keep in the hard-to-reach cupboard above your refrigerator?
Post-answer song:
American Music Club — “Bad Liquor”
Question from Moses:
What’s the deal with airplanes? (in Seinfeld voice)
Post-answer song:
Neutral Milk Hotel — “In the Aeroplane Over the Sea”
Question from Theron:
Why is it every time I wash some socks and then dry some socks, I end up losing a sock? Where do these socks go?
Post-answer song:
Elska — “The Land of Lost Socks”
Question from Jenn:
Here’s my question: Why are there so many freaks on dating sites?
Post-answer song:
Vivian Stanshall & biG GRunt — “Blind Date”
Question from Lorraine:
What’s in your belly button? Go look. Report back.
Post-answer song:
Dum Dum Girls — “I Got Nothing”
Question from Jacob:
Why is it so fun to peel off the film from a new laptop screen? Or open anything new for that matter.
Post-answer song:
Help Stamp Out Loneliness — “Cellophane (the bedroom demo)”
Question from Frank:
Why do the Rosh Hashanah sales seem like they start earlier and earlier every year?
Post-answer song:
Times New Viking — “High Holidays”
Question from Jahna:
Yeah — I have a question. What’s the name of the boat in Jaws?
Post-answer song:
Dickie Goodman — “Mr. Jaws”
Question from Jimmy:
What is the most precious moment in a person’s lifetime?
Post-answer song:
Phil Seymour — “Precious to Me”
broadcast live from Hoboken, NJ, on “Jack’s Aquarium”
Tuesday, 9/10/13, 10:00-11:25 a.m. eastern time
Jack Silbert, curator