4 responses to “My Internet Radio Playlist, 9/23/14”

  1. Davidsfr

    Didn’t know J&MC were Scottish, always gotta give accolades for playing that song, it needs immediate placement on my all-time list.

    But. . .

    You simply CANNOT do a Scotland show without playing Simple Minds and Big Country. I don’t care how alternative or underground or indie you want to be!

  2. Miclusic

    Seeing J&MC in Pittsburgh 1988 was pretty cool. First time I saw people stage dive. Were you at Graffitti that night Jack?

  3. darkf blbower

    Yeah, glad I went. I wasn’t much of a fan, but I like concerts, and my new wave freshman buddy was into that clothing and hairstyles. I sort of got into them years later, listening to Psychocandy on the Tullycraft tourbus. One of those bands which I think I could dig hanging out with, more than listening to. Although pretty great sounds while stoned.

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