April 2015
You are browsing the archive for April 2015.

Poetry Review: ‘Twine’ by David Koehn
4 stars out of 5 Click to purchase David Koehn had great hair. It’s not the only thing I remember about him. We were in a fiction workshop together in college (Carnegie Mellon, in Pittsburgh). He was a year older. David was a sharp writer, and was helpful, thoughtful, and supportive in regards to […]
Ask Jack: Self-Reviews, Downtime Projects, and Job of the Week
In this week’s installment of my AOL Jobs advice column: Do you have to fill out your own performance appraisal at work? Plus, is it OK to work on personal projects during downtime on the job?
My Internet Radio Playlist, 4/28/15
EPISODE #178: BALTIMORE The Who — “Happy Jack” [THEME] Charlie Poole — “Baltimore Fire” The Extra Glenns — “Baltimore” Spiral Jetty — “Baltimore” Matthew Sweet — “Baltimore” Gram Parsons — “Streets of Baltimore” Elliott Smith — “Riot Coming” The Mekons — “Never Been in a Riot” The Clash — “White Riot” Sonic Youth — “Teenage […]

Bakery Door Haiku
Benny, left message on the machine about rolls and where to get them One-syllable edit. Dom’s Bakery Grand, 506 Grand St., Hoboken, NJ, 4/26/15
Movie Review: Black Souls
4 stars out of 5 OK, let’s take out our mafia-movie checklist: Italians, multi-generation family, rival family, guns, drugs, glasses-wearing brother who’s “good at business,” brother who doesn’t want to be involved, hot-headed young guy, black Members Only-style jackets over black shirts, small clumps of furtive men standing around in aforementioned jackets. Black Souls, released […]
Ask Jack: Escaping for Midday Interviews + Job of the Week
In this week’s installment of my AOL Jobs advice column: My foolproof plan for sneaking away from work to a job interview.
My Internet Radio Playlist, 4/21/15
EPISODE #177: LABEL SPOTLIGHT ON SARAH RECORDS inspired by the documentary My Secret World: The Story of Sarah Records (which I reviewed here) The Who — “Happy Jack” [THEME] The Incredible Casuals — “Records Go Round” The Sea Urchins — “Pristine Christine” Another Sunny Day — “Anorak City” 14 Iced Bears — “Come Get Me” […]
Movie Review: My Secret World: The Story of Sarah Records
4 stars out of 5 Last week I reviewed the Wrecking Crew documentary. In it, they discuss the Hal Blaine drumbeat opening to “Be My Baby,” instantly recognizable to millions of people the world over. The same cannot be said for the Dr. Rhythm drum machine which accompanies “Emma’s House” by the Field Mice, as […]
Ask Jack: Interim Promotion, Snubbed at Lunch, Job of the Week
In this week’s installment of my AOL Jobs advice column: Should you be compensated for a short-term promotion? And what to do when the cool kids at work don’t ask you to order lunch with them.
My Internet Radio Playlist, 4/14/15
EPISODE #176: MONEY II The Who — “Happy Jack” [THEME] The Beatles — “Taxman” The Undertones — “Fairly in the Money Now” Fishboy — “Hard-Earned Money” Joe Mooney Quartet — “A Man With a Million Dollars” Dire Straits — “Money for Nothing” Iron & Wine — “Boy With a Coin” Mercury Rev — “I Collect […]
Jack Silbert, curator