4 responses to “My Internet Radio Playlist, 10/20/15”

  1. Davidsfr

    Who were the originators of Salt in Wound? I thought this was your site from the beginning Jack!

    Interesting show, I like the Yes version of “America” but what you played must have been an edited version for radio or a 45. The album version on “Yesterdays” has a lengthy intro that greatly enhances the song.

    Next cover show consider REM’s version of “Road Runner” originally by Jonathan Richmond.

  2. David Schaffer

    I have a cassette of an album called “Covering Them” which may be a bootleg; it has several cover versions of songs by REM. It may be a bootleg; someone gave it to me back in “the day.”

    You know about Peter Gabriel’s “Scratch My Back” and “I’ll Scratch Yours” albums? There are interesting selections on both of those, but please avoid Bon Iver’s cover of “Come Talk to Me”!

    Also a tribute album to Jackson Browne came out a year or two ago. There is a version of “Running On Empty,” I can’t remember by whom, but he changes the lyrics to “In ’85 I was seventeen and driving up the 101.” They really do talk that way out there, every highway route is preceded by “the.”

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