Movie Review: The Commuter
1 star out of 5 The warning signs were all there. It’s a January release (as with the end of summer, a traditional dumping ground for shitty movies). The poster proclaimed, “From the director of The Shallows [which I awarded 2.5 stars] and Non-Stop [1.5 stars].” And it stars Liam “Anything for a Buck” Neeson, […]

Meatball Sandwich Review: Sanpanino
I know the intersection of Christopher and Hudson Streets very, very well. From 1994 through 2011, it was an important part of my daily commute: Get off the train at Christopher, cross Hudson, and be on my merry way—and the reverse in the evening. Still, I’ve never really “hung out” a lot over there. Sure, […]

The Collector
I see Larry most every day, if the weather’s OK, and I walk my normal route. For years I only knew him as the short squat man in faded t-shirt and suspenders walking a small brown dog down Bedford. Once, I was summoned: Excuse me! in a gravelly New York whine. Could you pick that […]
A Bedford St. Anecdote
I’d say that the holiday season has brought more tourists to Bedford Street, but the truth is, there are always tourists on Bedford. They come from near and far to photograph the building which was apparently used as the apartment exterior on TV’s Friends. (I have zero sentimental attachment to the locale, as I almost […]

Earning My Bedford Cred
The distance is the same but it’s more aesthetically pleasing: This is the reason I’ve always given for walking to work from the Christopher St. PATH station rather than the 9th St. station. And it really is a pleasant little walk, as Bedford Street cuts diagonally through the West Village. In 15 years of this […]
I Get Off on Christopher Street
I ride a PATH train underneath the Hudson River to get from my home in New Jersey to the sinister island of Manhattan, where I am employed. I detrain at the Christopher Street station and walk to my SoHo offices. In the evenings I reverse the route. (I assume most of you are familiar with […]
Jack Silbert, curator