One response to “Jack’s 2013 Fall TV Preview”

  1. Miclusic

    I don’t have the patience to ramble through this. Which one or two shows do you recommend the most?

    Note: I don’t have hbo, show time etc, and we just downgraded, so cable channels are at a minimum. We do get the station for “Dads” because we saw a commercial. Funnily enough you focus on the dads, while the commercial was more about the sons. Either way, I’ll watch it til Seth Green makes his first joke then turn it off forever, I think that’s what will happen.

    Ok, sorry for the blather. What have I been watching you ask? Well, the past two weeks, due to circumstance, I’ve been watching the Daily Show while Jon Stewart is busy with Isareal I think. The fill-in dude is kind of funny. I don’t like the show’s politics and the guest segment is a complete drag, but other bits are ok.

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