September 2012
You are browsing the archive for September 2012.
Yankees Radio Ad Scorecard
The Yankees were playing a midweek “getaway” game yesterday afternoon, so I thought it might be fun to listen on the radio and keep score. If I’m going to pay attention to an entire game, I almost always watch on television. Still, over the course of the season, I’ll hear a lot of play-by-play on […]

Separated at Birth XXI
A three-parter: From Adam Sandler to veteran sportscaster Len Berman via the real-estate guy who keeps showing up in my Facebook ads
Movie Review: The Master
4 stars out of 5 In less capable hands, this could’ve been The All-New Odd Couple. “He’s Lancaster Dodd, charismatic buttoned-down charlatan! He’s Freddie Quell, drunken aimless rageaholic! It’s id vs. ego in a hilarious battle to the finish! Can these two take a cross-country trip without driving each other crazy?!?” Luckily, writer/director Paul Thomas […]
Tri-State Etiquette
Earlier this evening, I was walking down 6th Avenue in Manhattan, just above 45th Street, when suddenly, I sneezed. The following brief exchange took place. Male voice to my left: Bless you. Me: Thanks. (I turn to see a short, 50ish, tough-looking guy.) Guy: You don’t hear that in New York, do ya? Me: No […]
My Internet Radio Playlist, 9/25/12
EPISODE #43: ATONEMENT Lucinda Williams — “Atonement” Pet Shop Boys — “It’s a Sin” INXS — “Original Sin” George Usher — “Unforgivable Sin” The Smithereens — “Sorry” Morrissey — “Suedehead” R.E.M. — “So. Central Rain (I’m Sorry)” Nirvana — “All Apologies” Razorcuts — “Sorry to Embarrass You” Dolly Mixture — “Sorry to Leave You” Josef […]

Separated at Birth XX
The cover of Titus Andronicus’s upcoming album and the poster image from Tom Cruise’s most successful film of 1983
What Happened to Jackson Avenue?
I wrote the lead story in today’s Jersey City Independent. It deals with a new documentary made by 17 kids and teens in the Friends of the Lifers Youth Corp in Greenville, Jersey City. They hope to turn their neighborhood around.
My Internet Radio Playlist, 9/18/12
EPISODE #42: TELEVISION The Who — “Happy Jack” [THEME] Black Flag — “T.V. Party” Jimmy Donley — “Radio, Jukebox, and TV” Big Joe Turner (w/ Elmore James) — “TV Mama” Beat Happening — “T.V. Girl” Joey Scarbury — “Theme From The Greatest American Hero (Believe It Or Not)” M. Ward — “Watch the Show” The […]

Separated at Birth XIX
Russian novelist Vladimir Nabokov and Saturday Night Live executive producer Lorne Michaels

Separated at Birth XVIII
GOP strategist Alex Castellanos and Tonight Show bandleader Doc Severinsen And don’t miss the sequel.
Jack Silbert, curator