October 2010
You are browsing the archive for October 2010.
Don’t Walk
I have always been staunchly pro-pedestrian. But earlier this week when the city installed audible walk signals in the intersection outside my house, there was a problem: they were loud. At least the westward-facing one aimed our way. Seven shrill chirps every 90 seconds, like a partial cycle of a 1980s car alarm. Not quite as […]

My First Job
Many people might think that I was born at my current place of employment. The truth is, I did have a previous job at a different company for 10 long months. “I can smile about it now, but at the time it was terrible,” as Morrissey once crooned. I’d been hopelessly unemployed the summer after […]

Good Thing We Know Nothing is Less than 99 Cents
A lower price bound is always interesting (taken on my commute) UPDATE: I got this email from a friend: So since the store exists we assume that the set of items in the store with prices is non-empty. The sign provides a lower bound. Thus in the real numbers we are guaranteed to have an infimum, but […]
Another letter to the editor…
…exclusive to Salt in Wound! To the editor: The slogan on your masthead, held in a fierce-eyed eagle’s beak, reads, “the information source for the Capital Region”. And yet Andy Rooney’s column is the precise opposite of information. I know, I know: he is a local institution, 91 years of age, has been doing this […]
Jack Silbert, curator