New Year’s Resolutions 2025
1. Do much, much better job camouflaging my drones.2. Take Godzilla to his old stomping grounds.3. Mount my new musical Rodgers & Hammer Time!4. Be ready when push notifications come to shove notifications.5. Make sure I’m well-rested before beginning any prZzzzzzzzzzzz…..6. After Robert Kennedy Jr. ravages the U.S. health system, pitch new designer clothing line […]
Additional Goals of Project 2025
Hard-line conservatives, including many former Trump administration lackeys, have cobbled together a 900-page manic manifesto called Project 2025. That’s 144 pages longer than Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The organization behind the curtain of this dogmatic document is the “Heritage Foundation,” which is like the John Birch Society and the Klan, but […]
New Year’s Resolutions 2024
1. Reboot the show 24.2. Resole my Reebok ReBoots.3. Start a 501c3PO non-profit for androids.4. Publish subjective book about famous telescopes, In My Hubble Opinion.5. Write bucket list. First item: Buy bucket.6. Give up obsession with taking 10,000 steps a day with help from a 12-step program.7. Buy an electric car, which will look cool […]

New Year’s Resolutions 2023
1. Attend my first rodeo. Oh wait.2. Bring back phrase “23 skidoo.”3. Market computerized sex doll with tag line “Any USB port in a storm.”4. Shamelessly promote the free indiepop show I’m presenting at Pet Shop, 193 Newark Avenue in Jersey City on Thursday, February 9, featuring the bands Joy Cleaner, the Human Hearts, and […]
New Year’s Resolutions 2022
1. Stop meddling in friends’ lives, focus on medaling in the Winter Olympics. 2. Create a set of lower-case numbers. 3. Start letter-writing campaign for a Grey Poupon Groupon. 4. Add a plus after my name. • Resolutions 5 and 6 unavailable due to covid protocols. 7. Realize that my nervousness about not getting felt […]
Other Important Dates on the QAnon Calendar
The U.S. House of Representatives canceled their session today, fearing further violence because of yet another QAnon conspiracy. This one claimed that disgraced former president Donald Trump would somehow be inaugurated on March 4, 2021. The intrepid research staff at Salt in Wound HQ have uncovered additional dates that these far-right nutjobbers are eagerly anticipating. […]
New Year’s Resolutions 2021
1. Wear mask. 2. Wear mascara. 3. Enter my beautiful house with my beautiful wife. Oh wait. 4. Print and sell bumperstickers: My Other Car is an Honor Roll Student 5. Hire Jellybean Benitez to remix my oatmeal. 6. Fill out early ballot for 2024 election. 7. Though it’s true nice guys finish last, put […]
New Year’s Resolutions 2020
1. For Halloween, dress up as Hugh Downs and/or Barbara Walters. 2. Now that I’ve solved Rubik’s Cube, resolve to re-solve. 3. Next time someone concludes a sassy “hot take” by saying “Prove me wrong!” go into an extended, Beautiful Mind-wall-diagram, meticulous point-by-point refutation of their supposed theory until everybody in the room gets really, […]
New Year’s Resolutions 2019
1. Partially shut down government until congressional Democrats give me $5 billion for a border collie. 2. Reveal to world that all this time, HTML has been shorthand for Hotmail. 3. Every time someone says 2019, mutter, “You know, Normie, 19 was the average age of soldiers killed in Vietnam.” 4. Research if Roy Rogers’ […]
New Year’s Resolutions 2018
1. See some shitty famous band just in case that “10 bands I’ve seen/1 I haven’t” meme comes around again. 2. Invent a smartphone selfie attachment that’s just an arrow saying “camera is here.” 3. Recruit an unbeatable personal army comprised only of transgender soldiers and maybe also stage a production of Joseph and the […]
Jack Silbert, curator