April 2011
You are browsing the archive for April 2011.
Jack Silbert, Amateur Electrician
Soon after arriving home last night, I headed to the corner of my bedroom where my computer is. (If the I.R.S. is reading this, the square footage in question is my “home office.”) The green light at the base of my landline—which I maintain solely for robo-calls and my parents—was out. Hmm, must’ve not properly […]
Presidential Proof
Despite this morning’s release of President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, there are still so-called “birthers” who are demanding even further proof that the President was indeed born in Hawaii. To appease these critics, and hopefully put this discussion to bed once and for all, the White House has just released the following items. • Aloha-flower-print […]

A Monday Mitzvah
Teaneck would have to wait. First there was some minor auto repair to resolve. Last night, I’d noticed a burnt-out marker-lamp on my ’91 Corolla. So this morning, armed with a replacement bulb, a Phillips screwdriver, and a little old-fashioned elbow grease, I popped the hood outside a nearby strip mall and got down to […]
Jack Silbert, curator