a two for humor

Even though Isa is currently in private school, we’ve been trying to get the L.A. public school system to give her an I.Q. test (they don’t call it that), in case we ever want to go back into the system. It took over two years. But they finally gave her the test a couple weeks ago.

As part of the process, Isa’s current (private school) teacher, who I’ve had issues with, had to fill out a form, ranking Isa in various categories that correlate with giftedness. Under “ability to use humor in various situations,” on a scale of one to five, she gave Isa a two (seldom to never).

I hate to pull rank on Isa’s teacher, but I’ve been in some great comedy rooms, and Isa would fit right in. She might get too much food on her face, but, even then, she would still be using humor, she’d just be gross.

Isa’s current teacher, on the other hand, would not survive in a comedy room. She’s a former CIO at a health firm whose job, I’m starting to suspect, was turning down claims. She made a mid life career change and finds Isa’s class of ten to be unwieldy. I have never seen her say anything that so much as resembles a joke. No wonder she doesn’t think Isa’s funny.

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