5 responses to “Aquarium Playlist, 7/4/17”

  1. SD

    I’m a rotten hypocrite. A bunch of times I’ve mocked the “Theme” music idea on these lists. Turns out for the last couple of years, my nursing home gigs mostly have had themes – Christmas, Easter, Fall Equinox, Patriotism…
    This upcoming August, in lieu of the slated Oregon to Georgia solar eclipse, we’re doing SUN songs.
    Here’s the notes I recently emailed our singer.

  2. SD

    TREX, oh man, some other good ones. I watched 2nd half a 1985 Beach Boys documentary the other night. Lot of neat footage, they attempted Heroes and Villains in front of a outdoor audience. Props for that. For some reason i thought Dennis drowned early in their career. Filmers didn’t spend any time on the ’75 Love You album. Been years since I listened to it, but was my fave of theirs, and boss cover art.

  3. Stupid Dork

    That’s groovy. Buck had the Midas touch.

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