
Music to Our Ears
Music to Our Ears, a book I wrote for the Heinemann Leveled Literacy Intervention program, was just published. It’s a history of enjoying music, from 19th-century sheet music to modern streaming services.
Idea for an App
A public service/dating sort of thing. When someone nearby (note to self: add GPS capability) snidely says “Eat a sandwich” behind the back of a very thin woman, I could then show up and go get a sandwich with that woman.
The Lonely Get Lonelier
It’s Valentine’s Day, so obviously my thoughts turn to the physical-fitness industry and the encroachment of technology on human interactions. Oh yeah, and also about solitude. There was a recent New York Times article about fitness—no, not the one about how lonely rats’ brains don’t work as well after exercise as real sociable rats’ brains […]
Test post
My phone got a bit wet over the weekend, and an hour later we noticed it was automatically dialing Micaela’s phone over and over. When we flipped it open, the normally blue background had turned red. Random malfunction or a cry for help?
Jack Silbert, curator