Schlolastic News

While out stumping for her mother the other day, Chelsea Clinton refused to answer a nine-year old Scholastic News reporter’s question. I don’t really have an opinion either way on that, but I’m really glad Scholastic News has been brought up.

Isa brings that drivel home weekly, and I’m shocked that teachers think it’s an acceptable homework assignment. For the uninitiated, it’s more or less USA today written for children, and often by children. Each week, Isa has to read a few articles about current events and fill out a few multiple choice questions on a type of newsprint that rejects a pencil stroke outright. Check out this example of some kid reporting.

I don’t need to tell you they consider High School Musical as a top story. Also: are they a company, a media organization, or just in the business of selling crap to our kids?

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