The British appreciate quality time pieces. (Just look at Big Ben.) And of course they’re huge Salt in Wound fans. (Though over there we’re known as So it’s no surprise that my post on watches went positively viral on that side of the pond:
Now, that gushing bit of Silbophilia was published on February 10, 2010 (only 4 days after my initial post). So why am I only now bringing it to your attention? Well, maybe I don’t Google myself as often as you do. Did you ever think about that?
Oh, and one other thing, to my adoring throngs of international readers: It wasn’t a Victorinox Swiss Army watch. I thought I made the distinction abundantly clear, in paragraph #5. So I apologize to all of you who were misled, and likely rushed off to your local retailer to spend your hard-earned shillings on a Swiss Army watch, wanting to be “just like Jack.” I appreciate your devotion, so simply remember: By always being yourself, you are being like me.
That’s awesome Jack, much appreciation from this side of the pond! : ) I don’t get the “” thing, but nevermind, your blog was quoted – woop!
Whoops, if YOU don’t get that joke, I guess no one will! 🙂 I spent a bit too much time coming up with a U.K.-specific spice to replace “salt” in my joke URL, and then looking for British slang for “wounds” I happened upon