
If I Post a Link on Here….

…of the Hoboken Reporter linking to here, will the world explode? If I then shared this on Facebook, would time go backwards? And why can’t ampersands appear in blog post titles?

Promo cone

I didn’t have any great expectations for a local planning conference I attended recently. Not only did it turn out to be pretty good, the state Department of Transportation was giving away these. “Everyone in my blogging club would love one of these,” I thought. But, the limit was one per customer.

No one cares

When I googled “I haven’t been blogging,” yes, in quotes, I got 162,000 hits. There is an exploding genre of people apologizing for not blogging and a sub-genre of elaborate explanations for why they haven’t been blogging. What I’m saying is I’m sorry and I’ll try to do better.

Where does salt come from?

I typed in “where does…” this morning, and got this interesting list. This confirms yet again that there is a lot of interest in salt out there.

Promoting Your Blog

After photographing the traffic cone the other day, my eye was drawn to a Post-It note affixed to the light pole. The Post-It note advertised Proscar® (finasteride), currently the leading medication to shrink one’s prostate. There is questionable marketing value for any drug that appears to be promoting scarring, but I believe the name was […]


Time for some updates on your most pressing unresolved Salt in Wound topics! So how did that spelling bee turn out? Did I mention that the previous one – the one I won – was held at a hipster bar? By 2008 adult spelling bees had become passé, replaced by Guitar Hero contests. How about […]

But the 15-year-olds will love us!

That’s not my opinion… I’m just reporting our scientifically-derived blog rating as calculated here. That puts us a rung above Paris Hilton on the reading level ladder, but, alas, a rung under Perez Hilton. What can we do about this? I, for one, intend to ameliorate our valuation via articulating my suppositions by the usage […]
