

Isa’s Riddle

Isa said to me, “Name a word that is both of two things, and yet also neither of the two things at the same time.”“I give up,” I replied.“Brunch,” she said, “It’s both breakfast and lunch, yet it is neither as well.” “Well, in that case,” I said, “My new answer is spork. Not a […]

John Bought Jelly

Sorry this is picture of two jars of jelly is blurry. I have an old camera (that would be three years old). I’ve always liked preserves, my mother used to make her own jellies and applesauces and also can peaches and tomatoes from our garden. An old friend from Pennsylvania sent me a jar of […]

Me! Of All People! Part Two

Almost exactly three years ago, we were leaving the Napa Valley, with its cheeses and wines and olive oil stores (any specialty store with a single type of item for sale upset John greatly). Found in a notebook from those days:May 2004An article from the St. Helena Star mentioned a vintner who said it was […]

Asian Dogs

People wonder why I put up with John’s dog. “What was he thinking getting such a vicious beast?” they whisper as they hear the growls behind the bedroom door. John saw big, John saw fluff. He saw a Newfie that didn’t drool. He saw a family guard dog. He’d never been to Tibet. He didn’t […]

Salt in Wound

…adds more salt to wound
