December 2007

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a two for humor

Even though Isa is currently in private school, we’ve been trying to get the L.A. public school system to give her an I.Q. test (they don’t call it that), in case we ever want to go back into the system. It took over two years. But they finally gave her the test a couple weeks […]

my war with cyclists (continued)

My wife Bernie doesn’t like it when I yell, honk, or otherwise engage cyclists, when our daughter Isa is in the car. The subsequent mass flipping off and indignant screams of “fuck you!” are completely predictable and, in Bernie’s opinion, easily avoidable. That’s why I don’t yell at cyclists when Isa is in the car…unless […]

another gender bender

It’s hard to make out in the poor lighting, but this is Gary Busey in a wig, hideous clown make-up, and fake tits. “Under Siege” is very comfortable with its sexuality. The movie was clearly influenced by “Die Hard” (1988), but one of the big advantages of “Under Siege” is that, in “Die Hard,” they […]

Sans sailor hat

a ripping yarn

Last night, sixty-six years and a day to the day from the attack on Pearl Harbor, a band of mercenaries, disguised as caterers and rock musicians, seized control of the USS Missouri, in order to steal its arsenal of nuclear weapons. This stunning scenario took place on my television screen, as I passive aggressively watched […]

NPR Humor

On a recent road trip, NPR was humming along in the background, barely audible. There was laughter, so John turned up the volume. It was a woman telling a Thanksgiving story, about being filled with stress about her parents coming to New York City to see her. She spoke in what I can only call […]

Calling Peter Chernin…

At the end of the 1988 debacle, as we were in the midst of capitulating, one of the few clear wins WGA executive director Brian Walton was able to announce was that we now had a “hotline to the C.E.O.s,” he could not emphasize enough just how important and hard won this hotline was. I […]

strike update

Talks have broken down again. Management seems to really hate us. I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing productive happens through the holidays. So I’ll be back at the picket line on Monday, even though I pulled my groin picketing last week. It is my first strike injury, an aggravation of an old basketball injury, and […]

Trash Talk

The complete set of comics, coloring books, and posters on how to be safe around clergy can be accessed here: (God doesn’t like bad language; neither does He like misspelling. Can you spot the error?)

three generations of Schwartzes!

The WGA is starfucking so compulsively, so thoroughly, that they’ve already run through all the actors, and have now turned to balling themselves. Yesterday at CBS Radford, my picket line ground to a crawl so ninety-one year-old Sherwood Schwartz (creator of Gilligan’s Island and the Brady Bunch) could take a lap with his son and […]
