December 2007

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Kommune Kutz for Kidz

Isa gets her hair cut at this commune down the street. Yesterday we went and an older woman with long black braids was there with Stardust, Isa’s ‘hair artist.’ Stardust told Isa that the woman was a Chumash medicine woman. Isa excitedly told her that they had been studying the tribe in Social Studies class […]

The Golden Compass

Here is a random news story about The Golden Compass, echoing what’s been in the paper here. There is a consistent pattern whereby none of the protesters seem to know exactly what they are protesting: HOLLY TWP. – A retired grandmother is leading a group that plans to protest the nation’s No. 1 movie – […]

Drop-kick me, Jesus

The following text has been tacked to my office bulletin board for a very, very long time, right next to the microwave: The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flats […]


One of the reasons management walked out of the talks with the Guild is that we wouldn’t take reality off of the table. The WGA wants to represent reality writers. And reality writers need us. They’re working sixteen hour days on a flat rate with no overtime! Without a union, they have no protection from […]

"of course" and "obviously"

They are the most overused words by conservatives: “Of course we want to get out of Iraq.” “Obviously no one cares more about the suffering in New Orleans than I do.” “Obviously no one wants war.” “Of course we want to find out how the information was leaked.” Once you’ve tuned in to those words, […]

Melamine Cat Poisoning Mystery

Back in March 2007, our two cats, Swee’Pea (aged around 11) and Baloney (13?) stopped eating, and curled up into listless balls, each refusing to move. I noticed a pet food recall on a local website. Alarmed, I made an appointment with our vet. She thought I was over-reacting. “If their food isn’t on the […]


The Mitchell report on steroids in baseball is coming out today, and word is leaking that Roger Clemens is in there. I never thought that, in the World Series, when Clemens took Piazza’s shattered bat and hurled it back at him, it was just the spirit of competition. I feel the same way about Kenny […]

Mike Huckabee

He suggested that Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers, and there’s been a big flap. Amid all the outcry, one thing I’m still not quite clear on: do Mormons believe Jesus and Satan are brothers?

The President opens up about whiskey

“Alcohol can compete with your affections. It sure did in my case,” Bush said, “affections with your family, or affections for exercise.” This quote might be more effective if he hadn’t dragged exercise into it, because, for an exercise addict like Bush, affection for exercise can get in the way of affection for family. And […]


If you want to compete in a world championship athletic event, but you are not an elite athlete, there are really only two options. First, you could compete for a very small country. This has its limitations, though, because few of us are from a very small country, and in most sports there are rigorous […]
